What is a Javelin
The Javelin is a high performance, single trapeze, 14ft two handed skiff raced competitively throughout New Zealand and Australia. It has a powerful, efficient sail plan allow it to exceed speeds of 25 knots and provide an exhilarating “ride” and exciting fleet racing. The hull weight is light at 70Kg, yet leaves plenty of scope to build in a good level of robustness keeping them ease to maintain.
The restricted development of the Javelin class offers close exciting racing at a very affordable price. The Javelin is a light-weight boat, that carries a large sail area for its size. This combination makes the Javelin a very exciting boat to race and sail.
The Javelin was designed in New Zealand by John Spencer in 1961. Its popularity has seen it become a National Class with fleets throughout New Zealand and Australia.
National, Inter-Provincial, and South Pacific championships provide sailors with good close racing, and social events.
What is a Development Class?
A Restricted Development Class is one which has a loose set of rules (or restrictions) which allow the sailor freedom to experiment when building or modify a boat. This freedom allows the class to evolve as individuals find new and innovative ways of making their yachts go faster, and faster!
An example of a Javelin Restriction is:
Rule 8.2 BEAM AT WIDEST POINT: No part of the boat may exceed 1727mm overall beam.
The ability to “try something out” has seen some of yachting’s biggest names design Javelin hulls. IACC designers Bruce Farr, and Ian Murray being notable examples.
A number of our most successful Javelin sailors prefer to build and race Javelins of their own design.
Restrictions and Dimensions
Principal Dimensions (see the Class Rules for more information):
Maximum Length :: 4267mm (14′)Maximum Beam :: 1727mm (5′ 6″)
Minimum Weight :: 70Kg (150lb)
Mast Height (above deck) :: 7160mm (23′ 6″)
Main Sail area :: 11.6m² (125ft²)
Jib area :: 4.6m² (50ft²)
Gennaker area :: 18.6m² (200ft²)
To maintain a class “look and feel” all Javelins must have a hard-chine hull shape and a straight bow stem.
Construction materials are unlimited. Javelins have historically been out of plywood. More recently they have been built using composite materials, often in a sandwich construction. The core material is typically foam, with a skin of glass, kevlar or carbon (or a combination thereof.
Class History
Thanks to Robin Elliott for these notes on the early development of the Javelin Class in New Zealand.
The Javelin was designed by John Spencer in 1957-1958, along the lines of his successful Cherub Design as a class for those who had out grown the Cherub.
The first Javelin, White Heron was built in 1961 by John Dew of Te Kauwhata although she was not registered until until 26/4/1962
The Javelin evolved from a 14-footer Betty, that John Spencer had built in Rotorua in 1953 as a hard chine International 14 which was refused measurement (for reasons too long to include here )
John Spencer told me he designed the Jav in 1958 but it didn't take off until 1961. This is confirmed by the fact the the first lines plan was published in Sea Spray in March 1959. Details of the formation of the Class Association was published in October 1961, and that Percy Cross was building seven on them for Maraetai members. A photo of the finished hull was shown. John Spencer wrote of its development thus far in October 1962 (See scanned article from Sea Spray magazine page 1 and page 2 from 1962)
The fact that the Class Association was announced in Oct 1961, and given the lead times of the magazine as around 2 months minimum, I would guess that the first Javs were sailing July/August 1961
Javelins 1-9 were (and possibly no. 10) ALL built in 1961. Until there were sufficient to make a `class' there was nowhere to register, hence the registration dates of 1962 and 1963 for these early boats
1961 was the date they hit the water as a named type of boat, "the Javelin". In other words, from that time in 1961 they evolved into something that made them more than just a couple of interesting `one offs'. When they were officially recognised is a different thing altogether and has more to do with NZ Provincial yachting politics than any thing else.
The original Javelin owners group, with the influential assistance of Sea Spray (namely john Mallitte the editor), announced the Associations existence that winter - 1961. It's very existence, published as it was nationwide, garnered sufficient enthusiasm to kick-start the class in other centres and grow the class nationally as had been done with the Cherub. They certainly had the people as almost without exception, the driving forces behind the new Association were all top sailors and administrators from the Cherub ranks.
The Jav never took off as fast as the Cherub had done, possibly because of cost but I think more likely because we were having so much fun with the Cherub, which by 1961 had reached the unimaginable sail number of 450 in just 8 years and was still the fastest growing class in the country. In other words, we hadn't yet got bored with it. It is interesting to note that the early Jav owners were almost a who's who of crack Cherub sailors who had been in the 12 foot class a lot longer than most - Ray Earley, John Spencer, Bruce Wiseman, Barry Heerdegan, Len Anderson, Percy Cross etc etc.
The Javelin Class Association, much like the Cherub class was a yachtie driven organisation. During the early
1950's, the authorities, the Auckland Yacht & Motor Boat Assn in particular, had openly opposed the creation of new centreboard classes as they interfered with the growth of the `pet' national classes, the P, Z, IA and X class. They had actively discouraged the Cherubs for example and had it not been for Sea Spray magazine becoming an active John Spencer promoter, the Cherub and in turn the Javelin, could well have disappeared without trace. Certainly they would never have reached the national acceptance levels that they subsequently did. (Sea Spray gave the fledgling 12-foot Q-class skiffs exposure for exactly the same reasons).
Sea Spray allowed Spencer almost as much space as he wanted to provide publicity and `how to' construction articles. In fact for a time Sea Spray was the official Cherub HQ, keeping the sail number register, and being the central point for all correspondence from the town associations. Elsewhere in the country, to get around the animosity from the various Provincial Yachting Associations (for exactly the same reasons as the AYMBA above) Sea Spray was used as the publicity vehicle to set up `Regional Fleets' much like the `Chapters' in the Hells Angels with all registrations and correspondence routed to Sea Spray and printed in the monthly "Cherub Notes".
Sea Spray also advertised and sold the plans for the latest Spencer mark design - so they were right into it!!.
This relationship between Spencer and Sea Spray editor John Mallitte (which continued right into the 1970's) also provided the springboard for the Javelin. The Javelin in particular was shunned the Provincial Authorities with very good reason, as it was a direct threat to the Sanders Cup X-class which itself was on very shaky ground having only recently stabilised after its disastrous move to fibreglass. Once again, Sea Spray, by giving column inches to the new Javelin design and reporting subsequent interest from influential Cherub yachties, long before they had even begun to build, kept
the idea bubbling away until it became a reality.
Now I had said the first 9 were built in 1961, that's a bit misleading. Those first 9 were built around the same time in 1961, but whether all were in the water that winter is uncertain. By the end of 1961 around 12-13 had been built. As you all know, getting a hull built is one thing, getting money to finish it off and rig it, and then get a road trailer for it is something else again. It is entirely possible that some of these 1961 boats didn't hit the water until much later.
Eventually the Provincial Assns acknowledged their existence and took registration fees from the boat owners. I think anyway, to race with some clubs, you had to have your boat registered with the local Provincial Assn, but the Jav Assn always controlled the national register of sail numbers.
To confuse us all, some boats were built, and registered with the Jav Assn but often not registered with the Provincial officials until some time later. Others were built but never registered, or failed measurement and then not given a number until later when they had been re-measured. - Can get confusing.
For example Jav 10 was Timpani built by K. Blunt of Pakuranga. She was built in 1963, varnished with a white bottom but was not officially registered with the AYMBA until 6 August 1964. I assume she was the original Jav 10 but not built until 1963??? By 1963 numbers were up in the 20's.